Digital Classes
At the beginning of 2016, Waikōwhai Primary School officially launched a full 1:1 device based programme for all students in Years 5 & 6. Due to the success of this, we have extended the use of 1:1 Chromebooks to all Year 3-6 classes. We also have two Year 1 & 2 classes who have 1:1 access to iPads to assist their learning. Here at Waikōwhai we have always pushed forwards with the use of technology to underpin our learning.
At the beginning of each year, new parents of students in these classes are invited to join us at two meetings to share their views and gain an understanding of how the digital tools can potentially help accelerate learning. It is here that parents and students are asked to sign the Kawa of Care- the key agreement between the student, parent and school. It is a highly detailed document. More information can be found by clicking the above link or on the icon.
2020 iPad parent information meeting - please click for a video recording of the meeting
2020 Chromebook parent information meeting - please click for a video recording of the meeting
As part of our digital journey, Waikōwhai works with a network of other local schools within the Ako Hiko Cluster. This includes weekly facilitated support from a specialist teacher and much wider connections for both students and teachers. Waikōwhai Primary School is proud to be associated with Manaiakalani Schools, an internationally known cluster of schools that are at the forefront of digital technology.