All students new to our school are enrolled by the Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal or School Secretary. You will need to provide the following information. Without it your child cannot be enrolled at a school.
NZ Birth Certificate and/or NZ passport if NZ Citizen
Passport with a valid student visa if not NZ Citizen
Immunisation records (where applicable)
We also ask that you provide current home, work and mobile telephone numbers for all caregivers.
There are three ways you can complete the enrolment process. Please read below for instructions.
Online Enrolment
Enrolment can now be done online. Before you start your online application, please read the following points.
Documentation is a critical part of the enrolment process and enrolment will not be processed without the following:
NZ Birth Certificate and/or NZ passport if NZ Citizen
Passport with a valid student visa if not NZ Citizen
Immunisation records (where applicable)
You can either upload a digital copy of the documents when you enrol online or bring the documents to the school office.
To enrol online:
Go to https://enrol.etap.co.nz
Enter school code 1549
Use your preferred email address
Click Login
Once logged in, click on pre-enrol new pupil. Once you have pre-enrolled your child, click on edit to complete the form. As you go through each section, please remember to click SAVE. Also, please complete each section as fully as possible. If information is missing, we will not be able to process your enrolment.
For a detailed guide on how to complete online enrolment form, click here
Please note ETAP is our school online student management system. Information you record onto this website is safe and security protected for your privacy. Waikowhai Primary School is the only organisation that can access this information.
Enrolment Pack - Paper copy
Pop in to the school office and pick up an Enrolment Pack. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-3.30pm during school term.
New Entrants and their parents must visit Kereru (new entrant class) on two separate mornings prior to starting school. These visits will help your child by getting them used to being in the classroom, meeting their new teacher and become familiar with the school routine. Times for the two pre-school visits should be arranged through the school office.

School Donation
We are pleased to inform you the the Board of Trustees has opted into the Ministry of Education’s payment scheme again for 2023. This means that Waikōwhai School families will not be asked to pay for any school trips or shows this year. We will also not be asking families for school donations this year. The only school wide payments required from families will be for children’s stationery and chromebooks (where applicable). Families will still be required to pay for programmes or items that they opt into e.g. Mud Run, Yearbook, class photos.
School Uniform
The school colours reflect the school emblem of water (wai) and the flower (kowhai) blue and gold. The full uniform is compulsory and uniform sales are from The Warehouse, Mt Roskill. A current price list is available in the enrolment pack or can be requested from the school office. Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked.
If your child is unable to wear the correct uniform a note must be brought to the class teacher. Any problems relating to uniform need to be discussed with the teacher or Principal.
School stationery packs are available at the office. These contain everything your child will need for the year. Many places advertise to be cheap but there are significant variances in the quality of the paper and number of pages. We do not make any money from stationery as we supply the stationery at cost.